Noveria Server Info
Players Online & Record | 3 / 95 (on December 29, 2024) |
Type | PVP |
Difficulty | Easy |
Protocol | 13.0+ |
Server Info Website - Discord - Noveria Client - 13.13 (available at website) Location - 🇫🇷 France Map - Custom (teleports) World Type - PvP Login servers in case you intend to use your own client, these are our login servers web - legacy - Beta launch: The server is launching in beta stage. We will do our best to reward beta stage players properly prior to full launch. More information TBA. Engine​ SGzD80B.pngKitsune 1.6 – TFS-based with lots of fixes (some contributed back to TFS repo) – 100% custom code for new systems (all self-written, nothing outsourced) – Over a full year of intense development ​ Server Features​ Skill Wheel​ As 13.10+ server we have a fully functional skill wheel which allows you to customize your character as you progress. – Allows adding stats, effects, spells and passives to your character – Available through client button – Available from Level 50 onwards – Changes can be made near City Temples ​ Free blessings until Level 200​ Characters under Level 200 are automatically protected with all blessings available. After crossing that threshold, blessings can be purchased with !bless command. ​ Anti-Rollback​ Througout the years we have analysed results of countless server crashes on entire OT scene. We understand how frustrating it is to lose hours of gameplay, progress or even worse - rare items in most unexpected situations. This inspired us to write a custom anti-rollback system that will allow you to play the way you like without having to think when was the last time your character was saved. ​ VIP System​ – Account-Based – Improves resting area bonuses – Will offer VIP town and spawns in near future ​ Training​ Our server has unique approach to training which solves issues existing training systems found everywhere else have. – Exercise Weapons will also train your Shielding. – Visiting Daily Reward Shrine for the first time allows you to pick an Exercise Weapon (2 if VIP) with boosted attackspeed and more charges than usual. These items cannot be traded. – Reaching daily reward streak of 6 days unlocks 10% attackspeed bonus on Exercise Weapons. This bonus stacks with the one above. – Players that engage in training will receive AFK status both in VIP-list and in game screen. – Training in houses is 10% more efficient. Private training dummies for your house can be purchased in Store. ​ Prey System​ Our prey system comes with some gameplay adjustments, namely: – You will only roll monsters that are present on the map. – You can stack multiple bonuses for the same creature. – If two bonuses for same creature differ in type (eg. one slot is XP bonus, one is damage bonus), they are fully effective. – If the type of bonus is identical (eg. 2 slots with 40% exp for same creature), the second XP bonus is less effective. ​ Equipment Upgrade​ You can improve your equipment at Exaltation Forge and through temporary Imbuements. Imbuing Components can be acquired through exchanging Gold Tokens at +1 floor in depot. Gold Tokens will be available as Event rewards and Boss loot. More ways of upgrading the equipment are planned. ​ Daily Reward Shrine​ Our Daily Reward System core mechanics remain the same, however: – First use grants Improved character exclusive Exercise Weapons – Resting area bonuses offer more features (full list in game) – VIP accounts get better resting area bonuses ​ PvP System​ Due to map structure (teleports gated with PZ), we made adjustments to PZLock mechanics. If you are PZLocked, but you did not deal or take any PvP damage for standard PZLock duration, the status will be converted to normal Infight. Inflicting or taking PvP damage resets that counter to full duration. We are also working on a PvP system that will resemble the classic PvP you know from pre-12.x servers while also adjusting to gameplay changes the game went through. Our goal is also to avoid making it too overwhelming. More information TBA ​ Other Features​ Our server also includes hirelings, reward chest (with "collect all" option), familiars, gamestore and other features. More information will be posted later. Rates Exp: Stages (see table below) Skill: x6 Magic: x5 Loot: x1 (custom) Spawn: x1 (fast)